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Friday, 28 December 2012

Info Post

Hi Tap, here is some follow on stuff in Support of Gordon Logan's Post re Murdoch blackmailing Cameron.

That was very good Post Gordon, I was going to comment earlier but got bogged down with the Jesuit Stuff. I know you don't agree with my views on this stuff, but would probably be of the same opinion where SMOMS are concerned   I would say you are 100% On "The Head of The Nail". In support of your claim I submit:-

Brevik Whitewash Begins in Norway, Murdoch’s Hand Seen

Last Step of Official Cover-up in Motion

 by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

The Norway attacks attributed to Breivik are obviously an act of international terror.  The children, victims of a holocaust, were selected because of political ties to foes of Israel, as admitted by the killer.
However, the real story began, not just with suspected police complicity and the mysterious world travels of Breivic, but with a coverup, starting with the Murdoch operation, the Wall Street Journal, the Star and even on this Norway station:

Rupert Murdoch behind 9-11, Iraq Invasion, Afghan Wars and Financial Meltdown
Press TV
July 14, 2011

"Murdoch is a close associate of a significant criminal conspiracy of industrialists, bankers and others. He is the front man for them...the person who gives them control of governments through bribery and blackmail - and this is what the British people had to wake up to - that, for the past 20 years, Rupert Murdoch has controlled their government: Their Prime Ministers were appointed by him; worked for him - and we've had three Presidents of the United States who have essentially been appointed to office and controlled entirely by Rupert Murdoch and the things that happened during their administrations.

And the kinds of things that happened? Economic meltdown in the US, the EU has melted-down, 9/11, two insane wars. Murdoch has been very significant in the planning and operations of all of those things…since he has broad control over all public information…He and very close affiliates control the majority of news organizations in the US. 

The thought, at one point was that these people controlled the news and were controlling and misinforming the public. Now, we have clear evidence that through espionage, through blackmail and bribery, his organizations have been, in actuality controlling politicians..."

Now US turns on Rupert Murdoch as FBI probes '9/11 hacking'
The Scotsman
July 15, 2011
by Tom Peterkin

The FBI has opened an investigation into allegations that News Corporation sought to hack into the phones of 11 September victims.

The news came as American politicians called for a US investigation to be mounted into the phone-hacking scandal.

The FBI's New York office last night confirmed the investigation was under way. There has been no response from News Corp.

A key member of Congress's investigations committee joined the clamour for a US-based inquiry into the allegations that News Corp staff broke American anti-bribery laws or violated the privacy of 9/11 victims.


 Rupert Murdoch is a SMOM, He is also a KCSG, The same as Savile, you won't get those with Tesco Vouchers!

What a duality of Standards, ordinary Catholics have no Idea why they give them out. I gave a past Link relating to SMOMS, one in Particular, BOB HOPE, who was an MK-Ultra Controller, he was also knocking off Marilyn Monroe, amongst others, He too was KCSG, Regan, both Bushes & Blair are also KCSG's, & Almost certainly Jesuits.


Photograph: Andrew Medichini/AP
The Catholic weekly The Tablet has a news story and editorial about concerns over the six-figure donation from James Murdoch towards the pope's visit to the UK last year, a trip that made as many headlines for its financing as it did for its historic nature.
According to the magazine:
James MurdochPhotograph: Murdo Macleod
James Murdoch, who is in charge of his father Rupert Murdoch's media empire in Europe and Asia, is understood to have given a donation believed to be at least £100,000. On the day that Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass in Westminster Cathedral, Mr Murdoch, and other major donors to the visit's funding, were introduced to the Pope in Archbishop's House.
The meet and greet led to a minor "pope for hire" firestorm in some circles. The Tablet carries a photograph of James Murdoch bowing before Benedict XVI as they meet. If you've never bought The Tablet before, the picture alone is worth the cover price.
With some understatement, the Catholic bishop of Arundel and Brighton has told The Tablet the church will have to "be careful about that source of money". Kieron Conry said

  good measure I will add this

The Jesuits are behind the H1N1 Vaccine.  It is being created by a company called Novavax, which, as you will now see, is completely dominated by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors. Take a look at it’s board:

John Lambert (Chairman of the Board) — He has connections to the King of Spain (Juan Carlos I), a Jesuit agent and a high-level Knight of Malta. From 2001 to 2005, he was President of Chiron Vaccines, which has now been acquired by Novartist AG — run by a Swiss Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor named Daniel Vasella.
He was also President of Aventis Pasteur, which is now run by Wayne Pisano, who was educated at a New York college with deeply Roman Catholic roots. He has ties to pharmaceutical operations in England, controlled by the British Knights of Malta. He was also President of Merck, which is run by Papal Knights and Jesuit agents.
Gary C. Evans (Lead Director) — He has very close business ties to China, which is completely under the thumb of the Jesuits and publicly ruled by their Roman Catholic tool, Ma Ying-jeou.
John O. Marsh, Jr. (Director) — He is the co-chair of the Independent Review Group for both Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Hospital, both of which are controlled by the Jesuits (via the Jesuit/Vatican-subservient US Military) and both of which were used in the Jesuit-planned/ordered/executed assassination of John F. Kennedy as “safe spots” to manipulate the body.
He is a visiting professor at George Mason University’s Law School and the Virginia Military Institute, both of which have connections to the Vatican’s political powerhouse in the US, the Jesuit-ruled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
He served as Secretary of the Army under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W Bush, both high, Jesuit-subservient Freemasons and Papal Knights of Malta. He was also an adviser to President Gerald Ford, a high, Jesuit-subservient Freemason, Papal Knight of Malta, and member of the Jesuits’ CFR and Bohemian Club.
Michael A. McManus, Jr. (Director) — He was trained by the Jesuit Order at Georgetown University, a private Jesuit institution in Washington DC. He also graduated from the University of Notre Dame, a powerful Roman Catholic institution. He was an assistant to President Ronald Reagan, a Papal Knight of Malta and high, Jesuit-subservient Freemason.
Thomas P. Monath (Director) — He is a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a venture capital firm ruled by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors. He has close ties to the Jesuit-controlled US Military and to Harvard University, which has a strong Jesuit presence.
Rahul Singhvi (Director) — He has close ties to Merck, which is run by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors and Papal Knights. He was trained by MIT and Wharton School, both of which are fronts for the Tavistock Institute in England, which is ruled by the British Knights of Malta and the Queen of England, who is a Dame of Malta.
Rajiv I. Modi (Director) — He is part of the New York Academy of Sciences, which is ruled by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors.
Stanley C. Erck (Director) — He is part of Intercell, a Vaccines company in Vienna (Where the “Holy Alliance” planned to destroy all Popular Governments) that is ruled by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors.
So, the H1N1 vaccine is being given to us by a Jesuit front. Interestingly, circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that the “Swine Flu Outbreak” was engineered by Baxter International, a company that is run by John Parkinson, the dean of Loyola University, the Jesuit institution of Chicago.
Don’t buy Swine Flu, folks. It’s a Jesuit scam.

REGARDS  ...............  WASP


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