Breaking News
Saturday, 6 April 2013

Info Post

Media created panic driving people to injure their own children with the notorious MMR vaccine

Prompted by a comment from HETT

The measles outbreak in Wales indicates two things.  One is that the MMR is ineffective in stopping the disease.  85% of the population has supposedly been vaccinated, yet in places 100% of classes are being knocked over by the outbreak.

The measles virus hasn't stood still.  According to some medical advisers talking unofficially, the virus has mutated and has now reached beyond the effect of the vaccine.

According to another health professional with years working in a children's' hospital,  if a child with symptoms has already been vaccinated, the illness is always diagnosed to the parents as not measles but something else, hiding the NHS' embarrassment.

Likewise, if anyone's child has a viral rash of any kind, this is invariably diagnosed as measles if the child hasn't been vaccinated.  The parents are given a real telling off, and are thereby terrified into complying with NHS vaccine demands.

With the current outbreak crawling all over the TV screen, the NHS is in clover.   Yet they really ought to be keeping quiet.  A measles type illness is spreading despite their MMR vaccine having been taken up by about 85% of the population.  Hundreds of parents are instead believing the tosh being put about and are rushing to get vaccinated, the media loving every second.

If anyone stopped to think, it is quite clear already that the vaccine is useless, or the outbreak could not be happening.

In one Welsh school I know,  a whole class went down with the illness.  All recovered as you would expect after about 8-10 days.  Don't tell me that none of these kids had been vaccinated.

(I am working on getting more detailed information, but tonight the teacher I know is not contactable)

To a person with normal health, measles is an unpleasant illness but presents no danger of permanent effects.  Everyone of our generation had measles and everyone always recovered.  It was never referred to as a life-threatening disease.

The media are overhyping the thing with talk of DANGER OF DEATH.  The only deaths are likely to come from children knocked over by the vaccine.  Many for certain will be made autistic by the vaccine within days, and will be brain crippled for life.

BBC - here going for it hyping the dangers of measles.   And not pointing out that if whole classes are going down, the vaccine is clearly useless against this outbreak

'Death risk' in Swansea measles outbreak

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A large-scale outbreak of this kind was bound to happen.
There has been a surge of measles cases in Swansea and its surrounding areas.
The outbreak began in November, and there is no sign it will end soon.

Children who have not received the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) jab are most at risk.

(TAP - note she carefully does not say unvaccinated children are exclusively the ones at risk.  Yet how come?)

Dr Brendan Mason, an epidemiologist with Public Health Wales, said the problem was not with the current vaccination programme.

"For new mums, with children needing the jab at one year old, the vaccination rate is higher than it's ever been at around 95%.
"But for really a decade, uptake rates were much lower than they needed to be - and so now there are many who are susceptible to measles.

TAP - yet this outbreak is affecting all ages.

BBC - "At the start of this latest outbreak, there were around 7,000 children not fully immunised around Swansea."

TAP - Notice no one says how many children there are in the Swansea area - 40,000 up to 16 in the city alone.  The minority haven't been vaccinated, it seems, around 15-20% - yet they are desperate to hide that fact, as it would prove the vaccine isn't working.

Measles has mutated beyond the reach of the vaccine.  This picture shows a general body rash.  Measles of old had actual spots.  That's the trouble with vaccines.  Viruses just bypass them.  There is no substitute for maintaining a healthy immune system.  Go and see a homeopath and an osteopath.  Keep away from the MMR which is a real threat to your child's health.

MUmps are best caught young.  The MMR only delays the age of infection.  Mumps can sterilise an adult male but is harmless to kids.

See the queues and the panic generated by false media information about measles here


The media uses powerful PR tricks to condition you to accept vaccination

rates of deaths from measles UK 1940 to present day  -   the figures in the chart totally contradict the ones quoted by the BBC in the above article.

The BBC article states:

"Before the introduction of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccination in 1988, about half a million children caught measles and about 100 died from it each year in the UK".

Click through on the link just above and see for yourself that the figures given by the BBC are simply an outright lie.  Even if you add a figure for Scotland, the number catching measles and the number of deaths around 1988 were nowhere near the figures given by the BBC.  Are you beginning to get it yet?  The whole vaccination programme is a lie.

The primary effects of vaccines are to shorten human lives, lower IQ, increase allergies and autistic tendencies and to sterilise people.  That's why Bill Gates says he intends world population to fall by 1.5 billion due to the effects of vaccination.  Don't be had.  Wise up.  Vaccination's a bloody con, and a lethal one to you and your families at that.  Why else are fertility rates diving across the medicated world?


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