Breaking News
Friday, 5 April 2013

Info Post

Gerrish -  'The judges in the Family Courts are often child abusers themselves'.

The secret courts being reintroduced again are actually masonic 'star chambers'. Think the inverted 5 point star of Baphomet with regards to layout of the premises. Evil [re]incarnate.

They were mostly outlawed by that common sense thing called 'Due Process' (not that Due Process is perfect). Nut-jobs like Ken Clarke (who has no real job title, yet is still on the Bilderberg/globalist/bankster payroll) have pushed these secret courts back into the forefront.

Think what you will:

And 'parliament' is just another smokescreen/puppet show for the globalist/TPTB agenda:

You have to wonder why Cameron (or any prime minister of whatever political persuasion) gets out of bed in the morning when the totally corrupt EU is already running the political show. 


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