Breaking News
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Info Post

Bill Gates Continues ‘God’s Work’, Third World Vaccine Workers Shot Dead
Feb 26th, 2013 | By Christina England 

Bill Gates promotes vaccines, not nutrition or clean water, for children in Third World countries.

In January 2013,  Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s work. 

 “It’s not going to stop us succeeding,” says Gates. “It does force us to sit down with the Pakistan government to renew their commitments, see what they’re going to do in security and make changes to protect the women who are doing God’s work and getting out to these children and delivering the vaccine.”

His words came after several vaccine workers administering the polio vaccination in Pakistan were shot dead in January. 

It appears that although Gates wants to carry on with what he calls ‘God’s work,’ people living in the third world are beginning to make their feelings abundantly clear. 

It appears that they don’t want his vaccines or his charity, as more shootings were reported in Nigeria.
On February 8, 2013, The Guardian reported that at least nine health workers administering the polio vaccinations in Nigeria were shot dead by gunmen thought to belong to radical an Islamist sect. The Guardian wrote:

“The killings drew comparisons with a series of incidents in Pakistan last December where five female polio vaccinators were gunned down, apparently by Islamist militants. It also signalled a fresh wave of hostility towards immunisation drives in Nigeria, where some clerics have claimed the vaccines are part of a western plot to sterilise young girls and eliminate the Muslim population.”


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