Breaking News
Thursday, 7 February 2013

Info Post


Hi Tap, Just to carry on with the 'destroying food' idea.
Today 7th Feb. At 7am the sky over South Yorkshire was clear, I counted over 30 chemtrails during the day.
At 5pm we were nearly covered with misty cloud, moving towards Lincolnshire.
NATO are continuing to poison our Farmland with Chemtrail clouds, remember, 'what goes up comes down'.
Also, they have made all the fields sodden as well, farmers had to plough under, rotted crops last year. 

TAP - There is a chemical war on.  The elites are fighting against the people of the world by stealth.  The food supply and peoples' health are their targets.


After a few weeks of respite here in the Borders chemtrailing was seen again yesterday 7th Feb. Certainly not as much as was prescribed for Lincolnshire, yet nevertheless, one is one too many.
Clearly, the winter respite of chemspraying is due to the simple fact that there is nothing to spray but when the seed is in and starting to grow chemspraying continues again until just after crops are harvested and winter seed is planted.Then comes respite during the dormant season, and so the cycle continues.
Be aware of the increase of moss and algae on the south side of roofs, gardens and well anything really, all due to chemspraying. Moss and algae prevent sunlight and air getting through the soil which in effect suffocates it and renders it sour and of little use for growing crops. 


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