Breaking News
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Info Post

German farms in egg 'fraud'

More than a hundred farms in German have allegedly sold eggs laid by battery hens as organic or free range, in one of the biggest food scandals to ever hit the country.

Some 160 poultry farms, including 40 that touted themselves as organic, have come under investigation by health official for deliberately breaking the strict rules governing the production of organic and free range eggs.
Ilse Aigner, Germany's federal minister for consumer protection said if the allegations prove true, it would be a case of "massive fraud against consumers".
"It is also a betrayal of the many honest organic egg producers in Germany."
Coming in the wake of the horsemeat scandal, the prospect that eggs came from battery hens instead of contended foul scratching around in the dirt has delivered another blow to the confidence German consumers have in their food.

Julia said...
The organic eggs fraud is nothing to do with organic eggs. It's to do with supermarkets.
If you get your eggs from a local supplier, you know they are organic. And they have travelled less. And you are supporting the local economy and small scale farmers and smallholders. They can't fake the eggs if they are local, people would know, word would get around. If they travel miles from a mass producing source to their target warehouses, then on to the retail supermarkets, it's really easy to put a false label on, and no one will know.
Loads of people produce their own eggs now. It's really easy to get hold of local eggs. You can eat better and pull the plug on the supermarkets in one go.


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