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Monday 14 January 2013

Info Post

Bath banknotes...
I was studying some Bath banking history, and if there wasn't enough money around in the 18th century, people simply printed their own! So maybe the greengrocer paid a grower in notes that had his own signature. The grower maybe paid the builder for his house repairs with such notes, and then the builder could go and buy some veg from the greengrocer! As long as the greengrocer is trusted, and there are no forgeries, it works. It probably relies on people being part of the same local community and knowing each other. It reminds me of modern day LETS schemes like the Brixton Pound. We are also heading that way with cardboard loyalty cards, a loyalty card with 10 stamps on it gets you a free coffee, so the loyalty card is a sort of currency, issued by the shop. 

Dawn Chorus...
Last Sunday 6th Jan, I woke up to a fantastic dawn chorus. This seems like a good sign if the birds are happy. I have hardly heard them for a while, so good to have them back again. 

TAP - Perhaps they're starving and crying for some bread.  Or was the sun making a rare appearance through the aerosol sky.
...means consecrated. The word was once used to describe monks. Another possible source of the word Nazi is from the Jewish Ashkenazis, or maybe there is a connection between Ashkenazi and Nazir? 

TAP - NAZI - Abbreviation of National Socialist (in German)?

Cornerstone ceremony...
Many buildings and churches have a cornerstone, often inscribed with who laid it and when. The cornerstone is important as the stone from which all other measurements are made, the source of the geometry. They are sacred. Animals used to be sacrificed on them and then buried underneath. Another type of sacrifice was to measure a man's shadow and bury his measure. The man is then fixed to the building, and will die within a year, but his ghost will stay and guard the building forever more. There are still cornerstone ceremonies going on today, quite publicly, and I wonder how the sacrifice takes place these days. 

Diamond Jubilee...
Only Victoria and Eliz II have reigned long enough to get to a Diamond Jubilee. Both women, curiously. It's all planned I am sure, so I wonder why these two have been chosen. 

Bath, Cambridge, Oxford...
There is a line going East North East that runs through Bath, Oxford and Cambridge. As if they had been placed there. East North East is a popular direction. The Michael Mary line runs the same direction just a little further South. Maybe there are more across the country. 

Missing 'l's...
I printed out something the other day, and all the lower case 'l's were replaced with blanks! Apart from those in bold. It was very consistent, as if some software program had been applied to the data. The latest printout is back to normal. So where did this glitch come from? It was not mechanical, nothing to do with paper feeds, printer queues, or ink running out.

Packaging People...
I saw a van labelled "Packaging People". The logo showed faceless people trapped inside a blue hexagon prison. You are supposed to think it's a company of people that does packaging. 

Strength in winter...
My new winter veg book explains that veg doesn't seem to grow much over winter. The leaves look tired and dead, there seems to be nothing happening. But actually the plants are strengthening their roots, ready to blossom and flower and grow in the spring. This made me think that us humans could learn from that and do the same. We don't need to rush around at the same pace all winter, we can just consolidate our roots. That is what I find myself wanting to do anyway. 

Aerosols in China...
According to The Sun, global warming is lowing down due to an "aerosol boom in China". "Aerosols - which stop sun getting through - are having a cooling effect". A scientist says that aerosols can make a "contribution to changes in short term warming trends". This is paving the way for the sky version of aerosols (chemtrails) to also be labelled as a helpful "contribution" to the war against global warming. It's also making it pretty obvious that the main purpose of chemtrails is to "stop the sun getting through". Though like their household counterpart, they contain plenty of noxious air pollutants too. 

TAP - Earth's temperature fluctuates at the same pace as the other planets.  So why does the air need aerosolizing?  I noticed a JFK text recently, in which he appears to know the air was going to be deliberately polluted.  Chemtrails were being planned a very long time ago.  It's on the blog somewhere.

Protect TV Kids...
There is a proposed bill for parliament, calling for chaperones to protect kids on TV shows. It's missed the point and diverted the debate as usual. This assumes again that paedophilia is a normal part of society and we must just get on and accept that as fact. It also assumes that TV is normal and acceptable and almost compulsory. Hard to believe that any parent will still want to put their kid into a BBC program, but I guess they will. 

TAP - My brother's kids were part of a TV soap opera fifteen years ago.  He has identical twins.  They swap them in and out during filming as very young kids tire.  He was there every second.  The same twins also get fired out of pantomime cannons.  One climbs into the gun.  The other appears at the back of the hall!  Re all the enquiries, we await even one name from the world of politics of someone being investigated and charged with pedophile offences.  Anyone from entertainment seems to be fair game to be accused, whether they are pedophile or not.  Jim Davidson's alleged misdemeanors involved women who were in their twenties.  Whatever it was he is supposed to have done, it's not what we all know many people in politics are up to, and are controlled by.  The threat of exposure keeps them all in line.  The 'chaperone' idea is another to make it seem the problem is being dealt with.  It isn't being dealt with.  Nor is it going to be.  Anyone who does;t think children should be raped wholesale is now called a 'pedophobe'.
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