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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Info Post
Mystery, MyStory...
The mystery of life is your own story, My Story, mystory. Not his story, history. To decode the meaning of life, you have to unravel your own story. Other people's are just clues.

Octagon mine shaft...
There is a well used path to the hidden newly built octagon mine shaft. Are they feeding the bats daily? We KNOW for sure that the mine shaft is for the bats, there was huge debate, huge press coverage about how many things needed to be set up especially for the bats, all at great expense. Whatever your views on the bats, you would know that anything strange that you ever come across to do with the Mines, is all for the sake of the bats. You would not even ponder what it was for. There is an explanation that EVERYONE knows about. That means that they can set up anything they want without question, well funded, hidden in plain view. Things like underground caverns, tunnels, access points, special lighting, film equipment. Because it's all for the bats.

Hoodies are not allowed at my son's school, even though they are practical and comfortable. Coats with hoods are ok, but only the right sort of coats, with the right sort of hoods. This theme has been going on for years. I remember about 11 years ago the government being anti hoody. What is it about? Monks have hoods. We also have words like childhood, adulthood, priesthood, and hoodwink, to trick or deceive. If the hood is a deceiver, then what is childhood and adulthood and priesthood?

We think that the Virgin Mary is someone that has not had sex, and the idea is therefore ridiculed. That's because our main use of the word Virgin applies to sex. But virgin just means you haven't done it before, or you are untouched in some way. Virgin snow is untouched snow, for example. Virgin Mary could mean it's her first time of giving birth, her firstborn. I have been looking into reincarnation a bit recently, and it occurred to me that virgin could mean virgin soul, it's the first time she has incarnated on Earth, which may mean she is a pure soul, undamaged. Or maybe it's linked to the word Vagina. Virginal and vaginal are almost the same word. Maybe the Virgin Mary is a symbol, not a real person, that represents the birth of all souls through her onto this Earth, through a symbolic vagina. Virginia in the USA has VA as its state code which gives me a clue that the words virginal and vaginal may be the same. I also wonder if the Vestal Virgins are Vessel Virgins. Virgin souls inhabiting the vessels that are our human bodies.

Pi shaped Pie...
A pie is so called because of its shape. It's a circle. Its area and circumference are based on Pi. Pi is the magic number for all circle geometry. It makes me wonder about the rhyme "four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie". Is that 24 or 80 birds, and what do the birds signify? Dividing a pie into 24 could mean two blackbirds per zodiac portion. The Pie based rhyme about Little Jack Horner is to do with taking a large share of the land, a big share of the pie.

This word crops up a lot in important places. What does "arch" actually mean? We have monarch, moon.arch, arc of the moon. We have archbishop, archdeacon. The arch seems to imply a superior position of power. If you imagine an archway, the arch is built on two pillars with a central keystone holding the whole thing together. An archway controls the flow like a gate. Maybe the archbishop is symbolic of a central position holding it together, or maybe he is the join between two pillars, or maybe the top of a hierarchy of bishops. We also have arch enemy, which is your worst enemy, someone who keeps returning for permanent battle, always paired to you. There's a feeling of permanence and control built into the word. My guess is that the Moon controls the Monarch, and the Monarch controls the archbishop and so on down. If the monarch was the archmoon, then maybe I would say the archmoon controlled the moon. Interesting that archmoon is almost archon, the archons being the off planet race said to control our planet via the Monarchy.

Past lives used in Court of law...
There is a true story of a Lebanese boy who first left his village age 20 and went to another village which he said was his home. It was his home from a previous life. He found a bag of money he had hidden in his previous life. All details were so accurate, that his testimony against the killers of his previous self was valid in Court. It transpired that his previous self was killed less than an hour before he was born. This shows that souls enter the body just before birth (maybe not always, but certainly sometimes). It also shows that souls can potentially return to Earth very quickly.



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