Breaking News
Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Info Post
Is the world agenda being developed off planet?  Are the entities in charge the same ones who created us by genetic modification two hundred thousand years ago?   The Annunaki.  The individual 'God' who was behind our creation, Enki, was known everywhere he went as The Serpent God.  He wasn't especially better or worse than the other Annunaki, when you read the details of their history.  They were all a jealous-minded bunch, who continually fell out with each other, and saw humankind as expendable lower entities to themselves.

Their primary characteristic of jealousy, and war-making with each other, could still be the reason the world is in endless turmoil.  They nearly wiped out mankind 13,000 years ago at the time of the great flood, which, although not preventable, was kept secret from humanity, while the Annunanaki rushed up to the heavens to save themselves.

A few thousand years later, they hurled nuclear weapons at each other, and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, which broke open and extended the Sea now called The Dead Sea, and wiped out the Sinai Spaceport to keep them from falling into the hands of Enki's son Marduk.  He later became the God of Babylon, and of Egypt, where he was referred to as 'Amen', the absent God.  The fall-out from the nuclear explosions poisoned the whole of Sumeria, killing everything in its path.

It's entirely possible these same Gods, who were alleged to have been involved in the decision to kill JFK, are the ones determined to create World Government, and enslave all of humanity in a totalitarian state.  They've got form.  How could any human-created structure, however wealthy and powerful, hide itself from history for millennia?  It seems more explicable to me that we are in the bind we are in, as we are controlled from off planet.

David Icke agrees with that assessment.  He says we outnumber them and should win, but we will not if we wrongly identify our enslavers as entirely human.  The Gods of 445,000 years ago are most likely the same entities that run the show today.  They  converted themselves into 'unseen' status when Marduk realised being the absent God in Egypt was much easier than being available 9 to 5 for complainants to have access to him as he was in Babylon.  Just think about it next time you utter the word 'Amen'.  Your God is unseen, and maybe deadly to your best interests and your health.

Praying to him may be the wrong approach to be taking, allowing him and his ilk to manipulate us endlessly.  Getting to find out his gameplan might be a lot more helpful.  We might stand some chance of stopping him or his descendants.  We've come a long way since the days of Babylon, when the Gods were so many millennia ahead of us technically.  Culturally and spiritually they seem to be millennia behind us.  We should play to our strengths, and stop crawling to the tune of those who genetically created us for their own purposes.  Mankind should declare itself no longer subservient to such beings.  Their celestial time has expired.


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