Breaking News
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Info Post

Patrick Henningsen writes -

This is probably the most important fight for freedom of expression since the internet was invented. Many already agree that the UK gov't's latest move is a lunge towards an East Germany style censored society. Read this and let us know if you support blogging freedom, and support those whom the government wishes to silence...

Press regulation deal sparks fears of high libel fines for bloggers

"Websites could have to pay exemplary damages if they don't sign up to new regulator, claim opponents of Leveson deal..."

EXTRACTS -  Bloggers would not be at risk of exemplary damages for comments posted by readers.

Under sustained questioning on Monday night during the Commons debate about the courts bill, which includes the Leveson regulations, the culture secretary, Maria Miller, said the "publisher would have to meet the three tests of whether the publication is publishing news-related material in the course of a business, whether their material is written by a range of authors – this would exclude a one-man band or a single blogger – and whether that material is subject to editorial control".

TAP - just work out the new rules and comply with them.  It doesn't look too hard.  There is always the threat of dire retribution.  Drawing attention to blogs by suing them seems a counterproductive strategy for news management.  Ignoring and sidelining is the usual method employed, blocking blogs on Facebook, isolating on google and ensuring readers don't get through, and people can't easily comment.

In any case if Google is requested to delete a post by someone who's unhappy, they usually oblige.  Posts frequently disappear.  Links are disconnected.  The blog was once locked up for six months after I wrote about Rupert Murdoch controlling Blair's European policy.  At that time, such a theory was considered nuts.  I'm only the first editor who suggests posts.  Google are the main one.


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