Breaking News
Sunday, 31 March 2013

Info Post

National Pure Water Association <>

Dear Henry

Apologies for the extreme delay in responding to your message below.  With so much to do and so few people available to do the necessary work of our Association the last 2-3 years have flown byYou have by now probably found an answer to your query but in case you're still looking for information, all supplies will contain some naturally occurring fluoride. Where supplies are artificially fluoridated in the UK, industrial grade, not pharmaceutical grade, fluorosilicic acid will be added to raise the level of fluoride to 1mg/litre or one part per million (ppm) - the so-called 'optimal level'.  At this time five UK water companies medicate their customers with fluorosilicic acid - United Utilities, Northumbrian Water, Anglian Water, Severn Trent Water and South Staffordshire Water.  Unfortunately, there isn't a national database of fluoridated postcodes but most water company websites now have a water quality section that will give details for a given postcode.  This Drinking Water Inspectorate map will give you some idea where supplies are artificially fluoridated -   A more detailed map is attached.  
I attach our latest newsletter fyi.  Previous editions can be found on our website as can some of our recent work.  I also attach our response to the recent Department of Health consultation on fluoridation proposals to which we appended our evidence to the UK Parliament Health Committee's enquiry on Public Health.    
Regards      Frank

TAP - Easter Sunday?  Don't you people ever relax?


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