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Saturday, 16 March 2013

Info Post

How come nothing ever emerges publicly about paedophiles until after their deaths?  
The extent of their evil is so great, most people have trouble believing it.
I find it hard to credit myself.
Aangirfan seems to be able to pull material on these horrible subjects together.
Here he makes it clear enough what the likes of Jimmy Savile are really into.

EXTRACTED from an aangirfan blogpost....Simon Gipps-Kent, Peter Arne and Spooks

Crowley worked for MI5. (The Great Beast) (LINK tampered with)

Crowley has been described as a heroin-addicted Satan worshipper.


In the doctrine of Aleister Crowley from 'MAGICK in Theory and Practice, Crowley wrote:

"The bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best.

"The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape... 

"For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. 

"A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim." 

(Aliester Crowley--33 degree Mason Who Knew about Human Sacrifice)

Jeff Wells quotes the following:

"There is an international cult that believes that the path to illumination and spiritual liberation is through the rape, torture and sacrifice of children. 

"The cult is highly organised and protected by a network of middle- and upper-class professionals, who are either cult members, or access the 'services' of the cult (eg child porn/prostitution, rendering them vulnerable to blackmail).

"The cult is modelled on Crowley's writings, as is evidenced by the internal pseudo-Masonic 'degree' structure, the existence of OTO-like 'chapters', and the doctrine of 'strength', 'master/slave' and ritualised rape."


Tom Driberg 'was Crowley's heir.'

"Can the man, who in the 1920s was anointed by Aleister Crowley to succeed him as the Great Beast, be the man who in the 1960s tried to persuade Mick Jagger to become a Labour MP?"

(Tom Driberg, His Life and Indiscretions by Francis Wheen, 1990).

Wheen mentions Driberg's lunch with Crowley at the Eiffel Towerrestaurant and how Driberg became Crowley's heir.

Brad Renfro 1982 - 2008

River Phoenix 1970 - 1993 

Christopher Pettiet, 1976 - 2000

Darren Burn 1961-1991


John W. Cones, in WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON IN HOLLYWOOD, told us that: 

1. In 1964 former teen actor Alan Ladd, star of Shane, died of an overdoes of sedatives and alcohol. Months earlier he nearly killed himself with an 'accidental' self-inflicted gunshot wound. Ladd's first film was "Tom Brown of Culver" (1932)

2. In 1968 child actor Scotty Beckett's death was listed as a probable suicide from sleeping pills . 

3. In 1965, the body of former child star Bobby Driscoll was found in the rubble of an abandoned tenement. He had been a drug addict. He was buried in a pauper's grave. 

4. In 1969, former child star Judy Garland took her own life in a locked London bathroom. 

5. In 1982, child actor Trent Lehman committed suicide. 

6. In 1993, former child actor River Phoenix died in mysterious circumstances. 


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