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Thursday, 14 March 2013

Info Post
Julia writes -

Bath and Bethlehem...
...are now officially linked. And blessed by Tony Blair and his Office of The Quartet. Part of his "peace mission" to the Middle East. That implies that peace means death to Tony Blair, this is not good. Bethlehem symbolises the opposite, birth. Maybe Bath does too? The words are quite similar... Birth, Bath, Beth. It also confirms my idea that the energies of Jerusalem are somehow overlaid on Bath. 

The Spring equinox... on Tuesday 19th March. (The official date is one day late again, ignore it). All energy lines will be in harmony. By curious coincidence, it's the same day as the Pope's Opening ceremony, (inauguration), not another one. And just before Obama's visit to Jerusalem (which is now officially linked to Bath too). There are a lot of world events on the world stage for this important time of earth and human spiritual harmony. They want to hijack the harmony for their own ends, or divert us from experiencing the harmony. I think it is a good day to avoid the world stage and focus on tuning into the spirit of yourself and others and the earth, preferably on a good energy spot, you can feel where they are, and just go with the flow. Catch up with world events later, otherwise you miss the opportunity for harmony.  

The churches all have spires and weather vanes manipulating the energy of our grid. Many churches are on alignments, maybe they all are. It would be really interesting to have a map of just churches, nothing else, and see if there is a pattern. It is hard to spot patterns when there are so many other things cluttering up the landscape and the maps.  

Human body maps...
I have recently been looking at how parts of Bath streets are laid out as a map of the head, with a fountain about where the fontanelle would be. Today I walked past the map shop, and as if in answer, there were two "maps" of the human body in the window! I have not seen body maps here ever before!  

Canal terminology...
There are locks and gates and flights which you ascend and descend. The ascend/descend theme matches the ascension/descension of angels on the Jacobs ladders on Bath Abbey. The symbol of two keys on Bath Abbey matches the locks and gates. The main purpose of a canal is to join two rivers to provide a navigation across the land, coast to coast. The canal cleaves the land. Cleveland. That's funny, lots of Cleveland names around the canal of Bath. Not only that, the "head" part of my street map is "cut in two", cleaved, by the canal. Just where Cleveland House is, sitting astride the canal, the cleave. If you kill someone by cutting off their head, they can't ascend. That maybe why some angels are descending Jacobs ladder, and why some of the statues on the Abbey are headless.  

Old maps around the 17th century, show rivers called "flu". Bath has "Avon Flu". Maybe there is a River Swine, or a River Bird somewhere? Swine Flu, Bird Flu. Or maybe the next epidemic will be Avon Flu. Not good for Bath tourism is it? Which shows how powerful words are and how they can direct good or bad energy towards the labelled objects.  

TAP (Flumen = river) (Latin)?
Woodsy42 - Flu - or maybe it simply comes from the original french "fluie" meaning a stream. The words 'flue'an outlet for smoke and gasses and 'fluid' for something that flows probably have the same root.
Sometimes it's not necessary to think up a conspiracy for everything. 

The Yin Yang symbol...
There are many symbols around that mimic this, including the FairTrade symbol. The yin yang symbol is an S (sometimes reflected) within a circle. The circle is split in two, cleaved, divided. It could also represent 69, especially if you look at the way 6 and 9 and open and close quotes are increasingly depicted. 69 represents fusion, coming together. So what does the S represent? The fusion of the two, or the division? Or both?  

Name mirrors...
I keep coming across these. For example, there have been many Pope Alexanders. There is also a famous Alexander Pope (18th century). I was looking up Thurso the other day, and came across St Peter's Kirk. There is an ex MEP called Sir Peter Kirk. I am sure there will be a few people around called Francis Pope, who will now be afflicted with some of the energy of the new Pope. John Wood, St John's Wood is another one which I have about 5 of now, places and people, even an ex neighbour. Then I find a leaflet about Venezuela in a cafe, and it says to email Ralph Allen! He died 250 years ago.  

The mother and father system...
This terminology is from my kids school newsletter. The new house system is designed to mimic the mother and father system. And no doubt eventually replace it. It's really curious that it is defined as a system. It's as if there is another possible system. I am not sure if this is to do with the reproduction side or child raising. The child raising is already heavily farmed out to schools and increasingly nurseries too, state approved institutions. The reproduction is possibly going the same way, with family planning, and IVF, and test tube babies, and cloning, and caesarians, and designer babies. A sort of "lab system" or "factory system".  

Drain cover names...
Some drain cover names in Bath are Silent Knight, Trojan, and Warrior. Curious. It's amazing how many different drain covers there are, it's hard to find two the same. Trojan implies the Trojan Horse that we have unwittingly let in. (See Silent Knight implies the Knight who is free to travel across borders without checks. What is going on with the drains? Is it a way to create an underground network, an underworld, funded and built by the people. Another plausible cover story to get us to agree to it?  

It means rubbish. It means excrement in a litter tray. It also means the new born babies of animals. They all mean something dropped from the body. Litter is something disapproved of. It's illegal, there is a fine to pay. Just like human babies. Babies are only allowed if you can pay, otherwise it's disapproved of, it's like excrement, and maybe it should be put in the bin (abortion). 

That's the old name for Bristol. I found it on an old map of the medieval city. As if to confirm, there is a Brightstowe Academy in Bristol. It shows how names morph. The accent in Bristol pronounces Bristol a bit like Bristowe. I have long wondered if Bristol is connected to Brighton, and now I know it is. They are the same name derived from Bright.stone. Stone can be Ston, Ton, or Tone. And it seems "stowe". That means Stowe in Buckinghamshire is actually Stone. The Stone refers to a standing stone which marks or fixes energy nodes. There are stones known as The Rollright stones in Oxfordshire, which shows the word "right" linked to stones. I would say this might be "rite", as rites, rituals were performed at the stone circles. It is possible that the B.right may refer to something such as birth.rite, a ritual at birth.  

Pain... bread in French. Is this telling us we eat too much wheat? I notice that the word migraine includes "grain", and that a migraine is a pain in the head.  

It's world famous as being where Kate and Wills met. But look it's almost the same name as Stanton Drew! St.Andrew, Standrew, Stan.drew. Stanton Drew is the second largest known stone circle in the country. It means Standing stone druid. There is even a Druids Arms pub there. The Druid drew the stone circle. So now we know what St. Andrew stands for. Druidry and stone circles. The funny thing is St. Andrew the saint gets depicted as standing as an X shape. X factor. Arms up, legs apart.  

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