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Monday, 21 January 2013

Info Post

KIlling people with poisons like Fluoride is so sweetly done
See the old Proctor and Gamble logo:

Horns, 13 pentagram stars... and did I mention the fluoride in the toothpaste which is not very good for your teeth or your health to say the least? 

Louise Mclean Writer has left a new comment on your post "Fluoride makes you dumb. That's why governments w...":

Hi there,
Apparently the antidote to fluoride is BORON, which is supposed to help clear it.

Borax, similar to the equally endangered Lugol's iodine solution, can also be used to remove accumulated fluoride and heavy metals from the body (14). Fluoride not only causes bones to deteriorate, but also the pineal gland to calcify and the thyroid to become underactive. Borax reacts with fluoride ions to form boron fluorides which are then excreted in the urine.

In a Chinese study borax was used to treat 31 patients with skeletal fluorosis. The amount was gradually increased from 300 to 1100 mg/day during a three month period, with one week off each month. The treatment was effective with 50 to 80% improvement.


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