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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

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Tyler Robinson
9:18 PM (7 hours ago)
to me
Tyler Robinson has left a new comment on your post "There's only one step from insecticide to homicide...":

Yeah, Aldrin might have had a breakdown when he realised that him and Armstrong were not able to leave earth 
orbit, due to mega-high radiation levels surrounding the earth.

Imagine how the astronauts felt when they were told that they were NOT going to the moon and that the whole thing 
was to be staged - that they would LIE to the whole world !

They didn't anticipate the www age, when all the photos, film, statements, etc would be very thoroughly examined - 
and found wanting...

In fact, there are so many holes in the NASA account that to continue to support the story further is pointless. 
Objective examination of the evidence proves this.

This is, I believe, why Armstrong never spoke publicly about the 'moon-landings' and even gave veiled clues at 
press conferences -"there are great truths available to those who can remove one of truths protective layers"

I can well understand people not wanting to accept the evidence that the whole thing was a lie.

What are the implications? Many people still kid themselves that we live in a moral world, ruled by sane people, 
who have humanity's interests at heart.

Facing the evidence and concluding that this is NOT TRUE is tough! Like Jim Carey in the film The Truman Show. 
It's not real! If you are brave enough to dig, you will find that it's all a lie!

I now only trust the gospels and Jesus Christ. The deeper I dig, the more truth I find - the total opposite to the 
rubbish and lies of this world.

Test it yourself and see.

Posted by Tyler Robinson to the tap at 1:18 pm

Interestingly, Buzz Aldrin co-wrote a sci-fi novel with John Barnes a few years ago, called Encounter
with Tiber.

While a work of fiction, it goes into a failed visit by an alien race to our solar system and Earth - with
remains left on the moon and Mars.

As a sci-fi novel its pretty good, but you have to wonder if he was trying to tell us all something else.
3:41 AM (1 hour ago)
to me


TAP - This is a very important tape from Peter Levenda.

Synopsis.  The Japanese had a nuclear bomb which they had exploded by 1945.  The
Kennedy  assassination was planned between a group of occult elitists who were in communication with aliens in
orbit above the earth.  The NAZI scientists removed to the US under Paperclip sabotaged the US space programme.
Klaus Barbie became head of security in Bolivia, and was involved in international terrorism.  The NAZIs developed
huge influence over South America.

The NAZIs were planning a nuclear attack on Manhattan in 1943.

Kennedy was seen as a threat to the NAZI programme, cutting a deal with the Soviets, and stopping thermonuclear
war.  Masses of stuff here which you need to listen to, if you want to get more understanding of the world post WW2.

What was the real cause of the Kennedy assassination?  Was it his decision to go to the moon?

Lots of details about Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA, space programmes around the world.

TAP -  Was Kennedy overstepping the mark of territory permitted to an earthling by going to the moon?
That would be consistent with the story of the seance - the group of nine who were instructed from off planet to
kill the President.  Many UFO researchers have met with suspicious deaths.  There is something going on.  The
NAZI cult didn't go away at the end of the war.  The anti-Semitic pro-fascist sentiment is very strong worldwide.
Fear is manufactured to keep people in control.  The Soviet threat ended, and Saddam Hussein was created.  Then
911.  Look at how 911 was used as the Reichstag Fire was used in the 1930s.

The secret space programme is a plan to remove the elite from the earth and send them off planet , when the
environment deteriorates.

After reading Zechariah Sitchin's Earth Chronicles, you have to say that what is described in this film is exactly the
same as was written about in Sumerian and Egyptian records thousands of years ago.

Posted by Anonymous to the tap at 7:41 pm
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