Breaking News
Friday, 18 January 2013

Info Post
Why are teachers teaching anything about marriage anyway? I thought school was for learning reading and writing, science, languages etc. The raising of children is being increasingly handed over to the state. We are not going to ever get the state to change. If you want your children raised how you want them raised, you have to do it yourself. 

TAP - writing, science and mathematics is about all they don't learn these days.   Can't have the sheeple developing minds of their own.  If they write real science, not the wrong version taught in schools, they are failed.  Or if they criticise One World Government and Illuminati scams like 911 or WW2.

Teachers will have to teach about same-sex marriage

There is no question that schools will be required to teach pupils about same-sex marriage. Schools are already clearly mandated to teach pupils about marriage. The Education Act 1996, Section 403, states that where sex education is delivered in state-maintained schools pupils must be taught about
“the nature of marriage and its importance for family life and the bringing up of children.”
If the nature of marriage is redefined to include people of the same sex, pupils will have to be taught about this.
Leading QC Aidan O’Neill included this point in a legal opinion on the consequences of same-sex marriage legislation:
“… if marriage is extended to include same sex couples then the Secretary of State’s Section 403(1A)(a) Guidance will require to ensure that children learn of the nature of marriage as being a commitment of two people, regardless of gender or sex, and of the importance of this, now gender-neutral institution, for family life and the bringing up of children.  This duty of ensuring that pupils learn of the nature of marriage as redefined and its relationship to family life and the bringing up of children could not be avoided by any suggestion that such teaching might be said to be, in terms of 403(1A)(b),  ‘inappropriate having regard to the age and the religious and cultural background of the pupils concerned’.”
This means that even if same-sex marriage is contrary to the religious and cultural background of the pupils, they will still have to be taught about it.
Faith schools will not be exempt from teaching same-sex marriage. On 11 December 2012 when Maria Miller, Culture Secretary, introduced the government’s measure on same-sex marriage in the House of Commons, she said:
“Teachers will continue to be able to describe their own belief that marriage is between a man and a woman while, importantly, acknowledging that there can also be same-sex marriages.” (Hansard, 11 December, col 167)
Whatever the ethos of the school, pupils will have to be taught about both opposite-sex and same-sex marriage.

Teachers will be unable to exercise conscientious objection

It is also the case that teachers will be unable to exercise conscientious objection to teaching same-sex marriage.
 Aidan O’Neill QC stated in his legal opinion that if a teacher
“refused to obey the otherwise lawful instructions of her employers then this would constitute grounds for her dismissal from employment.”

T Stokes London


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