Breaking News
Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Info Post

Thousands of Americans Gather at Capitals Across the Country

As millions gathered this past weekend in cities across the nation, the dominant phrase seemed to be — the Second Amendment to the Constitution, freedom to own the firearms to defend oneself against an unjust government, guarantees the First Amendment to the Constitution — which guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and freedom of religion — all of which are the essential cornerstones of a free society which totalitarian forces within the U.S government have been working to eliminate for decades.

The American people have not fallen for it. The celebrities pitching this totalitarian nonsense have been exposed. 

Americans continue to be wracked by confusion surrounding the recent so-called massacres at the Aurora, Colorado theater complex and the Sandy Hook, Connecticut  Elementary School shooting. Neither event has been brought to clear resolution by authorities, and both hang over the American public mind like swords poised to carve up the last vestiges of American independence and liberty. Each event remains swathed in mystery, so that the decisions being urged as a result of these events remain unable to be based upon actual empirical fact, giving evidence of a propagandistic psyop.

The complicity of police, government and media toward further obfuscation of the events rather than additional explication of the evidence points toward a public relations campaign for the purpose of banning guns throughout the U.S. rather than seeking criminal justice by forthright reporting of the evidence.

It is this deception that the American people have seen through by their rejection of government scare stories and their unprecedented purchases of personal firearm protection.

Through all the claims and counterclaims about this massacre and that coverup, one theme continues to pervade all the mysteries, always covered up by Jewish-controlled mainstream media, but always lurking in the background when appearing in forums not controlled by the Jewish power structure that controls the U.S. government.

Sandy Hook Shootings: The Truth Spills Out Live on Air

Hopefully, the next step in a wave of realization now sweeping America that we have all been misled into phony wars, bogus payoffs to bankers, diseases that poison us from the skies and trick us into accepting valueless medical cures, all emanate from the same source, which up until now, has been able to remain concealed by the traditional policies of bribery, blackmail, and murder, and further covered up by Jewish mainstream media, which continue to conceal the crimes of their sponsors.

Here is hoping that those who have decided to hang onto their guns will now be able to aim them in the right direction, at the fifth-column Jewish Americans who have managed to confuse and deceive the population of an entire country — formerly the greatest country on Earth — into killing the wrong people, and in the process, killing themselves by destroying their own Constitutional rights.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.


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