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Thursday, 31 January 2013

Info Post
UPDATE - For those not wanting to go off planet, the usual on planet material will still be playing.  The regulars like WASP, Julia and Scotty (in his different guises) will still be featuring.  The off planet connections are my own interest, one which comes and goes.  It's not going to change the basic format of the blog, and could even end up with a decision that it's all a hoax.   I'm as sceptical as they come but enjoy challenging material.  The blog is always focused on what interests me.  There are no advertisers to please, or boards of directors.  If I lose a few readers, that's not my intention, but I am always willing to look at what's being proposed as factual history, however unlikely it may first appear. 


I've spent a month reading The Earth Chronicles by Zechariah Sitchin, after being alerted to them by Lloyd Pye in 'Everything you know is wrong,  itself a fascinating read.

Next I've just spotted (thanks to HETT sending a video) a new line of enquiry, which seems like the natural follow-on to Sitchin.  He's called Peter Levenda.  His writings and talks focus on another level of power above the human, which is nothing but a continuation of where things were at throughout the story of human existence during antiquity, according to Sitchin.

Going all the way from Sitchin to Levenda, means skipping over the era of Christianity, which I will have to return to at some point.  Sitchin carefully avoided referring to the life of Christ in any detail, although he conveniently landed Christ's birth at the end of the celestial age of Aries, and the beginning of the age of Pisces.  Sitchin is sadly no longer with us to offer further elucidation on how he saw the life of Christ in the human/earth story.

I wasn't sure where we might be going next after Sitchin, as Sitchin is a very hard act to follow.   Anyone such as Levenda who talks of the current era in similar terms to Sitchin's view of antiquity, with alien entities orbiting in craft above the earth, and engaging in aggressive acts either with other aliens/gods or humans immediately alerts my attention.   He talks of an elite seance (communication) taking place in the USA in 1963, during which alien entities effectively commanded that JFK be assassinated.  How interesting a story will that be, which he titles The Group Of Nine.

The modern role of the Nazis who were saved from the end of WW2, which Levenda also discusses, including the 'disappearance' of Adolf Hitler, is another fascinating topic worthy of further investigation.  Many readers are sceptical that Hitler was lifted alive out of Berlin in 1945, but here is another researcher presumably of the same opinion that Hitler went to South America and lived many more years there.

Here's Levenda's wikipedia entry which includes a blog address at the end.  I hope that a few readers are taking a similar journey to mine, moving through some of these sources.   I've made the post headline controversial intentionally.  Levenda is more circumspect in  his titles, such as The Group Of Nine, but there can be no doubting his opinions and conclusions, even if you have to search through his material to get to the critical information.  I think I'm in for another fascinating month of research.  I'd better say Thanks to HETT.  She gets a little upset if I don't credit here for dropping off interesting material on the Blog!


He was the president of the international division of Ortronics, Inc., a telecommunications company based in Asia.
He appeared in the TNT documentary Faces of Evil as an expert on Nazi history with special regard to occult and esoteric practices. He has also appeared on the History Channel special Nazi Prophecies. Levenda lives in Miami, Florida.

Simon Necronomicon

Levenda is also believed to be "Simon", the author of The Simon Necronomicon, a grimoire that derives its title from H.P. Lovecraft's fictional Necronomicon, featured in Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos stories. The assessment of Peter Levenda as the author of the Simon Necronomicon is based upon the following sources:
The U.S. Copyright Office registration for Simon's Gates of the Necronomicon lists the author as "Peter Levenda, whose pseudonym is Simon".[1]
On the radio program "Coast-to-Coast AM", Sunday May 10, 2009 Peter Levenda was asked directly by the host, Ian Punnett, if Peter was in fact "Simon", which Peter denied. Mr. Levenda did acknowledge working on the book with Simon. Ian Punnett made a reference to interviewing "Simon" and mentioned similarities with Peter Levenda and asked Peter to "say hello to Simon for him, next time he saw him", to which Peter laughed and said that he would.
In the article "The Doom That Came to Chelsea",[2] Alan Cabal describes his inside information on the genesis of the Necronomicon as well as the New York Occult scene that he and Levenda/Simon were a part of.

Written works

  • Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement With the Occult (1994)
  • Sinister Forces - The Nine: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft (Sinister Forces)(2005) - has researched the material for this book over the course of 25 years, visiting more than 40 countries and gaining access to temples, prisons, military installations, and government documents.
  • Sinister Forces - A Warm Gun: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft (Sinister Forces) (2005)
  • Allianza Malefica / Unholy Alliance: The Nazis and the Power of the Occult (2006)
  • Sinister Forces - The Manson Secret: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft (Sinister Forces) (2006)
  • Gates of the Necronomicon (as Simon) (2006)
  • The Mao of Business: Guerrilla Trade Techniques for the New China (2007)
  • Stairway to Heaven: Chinese Alchemists, Jewish Kabbalists, and the Art of Spiritual Transformation (2008)
  • The Secret Temple: Masons, Mysteries and the Founding of America (2009)
  • Tantric Temples: Eros and Magic in Java (2011)
  • Ratline: Soviet Spies, Nazi Priests, and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler (2012)


External links

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Pat Robertson's Pact with the Devil


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