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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Info Post
johnette's voice ♥_♥ (don't mind bob at the end)
Added on 27/02/2007
Hi Tap, I put this Post ahead of the one I was going to have sent, as I am sure it will appeal to you, knowing your Interest in 'THE PARASITES WHO CALL THEMSELVES THE ELITE', who we as mere mortals are supposed HOLD IN THE HIGHEST ESTEEM AND PAY FEALTY TO ICONIC ROYALTY' & THEIR ACOLYTES,  Who Synchronously Fleece Us To Support Their Perversions.  Whilst they are Running A Series of CONCERTED GENOCIDAL PROGRAMS, Aimed At Reducing The Worlds Population to a Level As  Inscribed On The Georgia  Guide Stones.


I have had to modify the colours, otherwise you probably wouldn't be able to print it, as cyne & white don't show up well, It is such a Good Site, I didn't Know what to send as a singe item, so here they are complete, as they have deactivated the Home Page, & there are several other links I tried that weren't working

Jim Hutcinsons Site He has done a Brilliant Job in compiling This Information, I found it a while back but then it disappeared - I wonder Why?

Updated Saturday, 29 September 2012 22:11    


This will take a considerable amount of Time to work Through, but I believe you will find it is Time well Spent 
You will find that many of the Links have been Doctored, the one on our old Friend

The Great Climate Hoax   if it was true why would the waste time SCRUBBING IT?

The Queen has now made her favourite Queen, Mandy Mandelson, right, a Baron, a First Secretary Of State and Lord President Of Her Majesties Privy Council. Along with six other unelected members of Her Majesties Cabinet Mandy has been tasked to oust Brown, with as little bloodshed as possible, and shoe-in the Queen's cousin, Doris Cameron, while covering-up the fact that most members of Her Majesties Parliament are as bent as a £3 note

June 18, 2009. Official, but redacted, documents released today confirm Gordon Brown, Doris Cameron and their grubby little gangs are nothing more than Crown Licensed common thieves.
Two days before he left office the Queen's last Prime Mouthpiece, Toady Blair, claimed £7,000 for a roof repair and £260 to have all his bogus "expenses" claims shredded! The last Speaker of Her Majesties House Of Commons, Michael Martin, is a typical royal arse licker. Public opinion demanded Martin was fired for his part in stealing tens of millions from the taxpayer in false claims for expenses. Not surprisingly the Queen immediately elevated Micheal Martin to Her Majesties House of Lords. 

                     The Real Terrorists

14  "Special Relationship"  p16aa _Noises Off                    One

15  Poisoning Kids For Profit / Mountain Girls                    Bonnie Girls
The Nukes Are Coming  A Right Royal Rip-off                      The Boss
9/11: The Eyes Have It   Liar Liar Condi Rice                       Scrubs 
34 Royal Madness    35 Young Charlotte                           Start the Fire
47 Royals, Masons & The Ripper Murders                        Riders In The Sky
52 Royal Lip Service     53 Lizzy Bowes Lyons                 Old Dixie 
54 Family Planning       55 The Gathering Storm              Pinball
56 Royal Nazis               57 The Queens Uncle                  Willie Nelson
58 Exotic Poison           59 EU Council Of Muggers         Jingo Lo Ba
64 Bush: Real Records   65 A Very Posh Murder               Sooner or Later  
69 Enron copies Lizzy     70 Dounreay     71 Nadia            Dead Donkey
87  Whistleblowers: September 2007                               Roger Daltry
95 Oops!  Jona Hug Accidents & Incidents                       Moonlightning

96 Saving Pennsylvania - The Nuclear Nutter's Club              
97 Water Power   98 Churchill   99 Torture Chief                  Leo Sayer
100 Health Of Millions Improved                                      Nothing Rhymed
101 BCCI  102 Shifting Sands - Belize                                    Chris Rea

p16aa _Noises Off  p17 Liar Liar Condi Rice                           Road 2
Bechtel  Nuclear Scam                Misunderstood  Hard Knocks Joe Cocker
p27 Bad Day  Shut Nukes Down                     Billy Joel
p37 Lady Belinda      p38 Lizzy's Cartel                                 Strange Girl  
p55 9/11 For Dummies   p77  p88  200   700 - 710   711   Torn      First of May

 The Cost of Mr Bush:  
Some American's do not realize America now has to borrow from Arab, Chinese and Japanese banks to run the "war economy" Bush bequeathed to America which NOW costs American tax payers $330 Million Per Day!
also see  Child's Pay  at Bush in 30 seconds

Saturday, 29 September 2012 22:11
Bush Cancer Spreads
We all hoped the President of Paranoia would slowly pass into history. Unfortunately, for American's, that ain’t going to happen.
Mr Bush destroyed 
American Civil Rights. Bush Legislation means the President alone decides who is and who isn’t an Enemy Of The State.
Once a “suspect” has been arrested and jailed he or she has no right to a civil court trial. The “suspect” must accept a military lawyer as their defender! 
Who-so-ever tortures the “suspect” be it the Police, the FBI, the CIA or Blackwater goons, are now shielded from prosecution by the President Of America -whoever he or she maybe.
If peace brakes-out in Afghanistan and Iraq next year Barack Obama is hardly likely to give up these Stalinist powers especially now he has nailed his colours firmly to the Globalist mast by appointing the son of an Israeli terrorist to run his White House and Mrs Gobshite as his right hand man.
This cancer began with Mr Bush's 9/11 financed by the same Jewish bankers who want a one world "government" with 99% of the planets people born to die in slavery. This cancer will continue to spread until the perpetrators of 9/11, namely, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Myers, Rumsfeld, their bankers, bloggers and uniformed underlings have been executed for their bestial crimes against We The People.
                        Jim Hutchinson 2001-11

Change?          SHELL 


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