Breaking News
Monday, 4 March 2013

Info Post
Paedophiles are incapable of reform, yet for some reason, people like Jimmy Savile end up running the country, if not the world.  This is only possible for them to bring about, as they have organised and set up complex disguises to cover their tracks - with 'rings' controlling the main estates - media, judiciary, police and politics.  The networks no doubt go much higher and further than that.  Savile was very close with the Royal family, and was friends with the Israeli government.

This video shows nothing of the paedophile power structure which holds us all in its sway, but merely deals with the impossibility of changing the impulses of those who desire to rape children.  It explains a part of the story which we are starting to realise as the curtain covering the paedophiles is swept aside by the internet.


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