Breaking News
Monday, 4 March 2013

Info Post
Hi Tap

I hope all of the recent media coverage of the children's homes scandals has made my previous blog clear. When I stated after being released from prison that paedophilia is state run, where my suspicions were clarified in prison, by witnessing the huge number of children brought up in care that have been sexually abused, and prison is where most of them end up, proves that I am right. There are nowhere these people can go to tell of what happened to them as the police, paid by us, the taxpayer to protect society, including children in care, are part of the problem. Look how they helped Jimmy Savile. 

The Jimmy Savile saga has at least opened people's eyes but I wanted to share the article that I have sent to you. Children are disappearing off the face of the earth from the care system and councils are failing to report them missing to the police. This is child trafficking, actually funded by the unsuspecting tax payer. It just goes to show that my theory that no child in the UK is safe, is actually too true! 

The high ranking paedophiles in this country have created their own niche market and as the family courts are secret, no one knows what is happening in them.

It is an embarrassing and disgusting state of affairs for the UK.

Vicky Haigh

Julia writes -

the pedophile and homosexual agendas.  deliberate confusing of issues.

Subject: BBC News - Ofsted: Missing children data 'worrying'

Sent from Samsung Mobile


Wish13 has left a new comment on your post "Paedophilia - the pastime of the powerful": 

To anonymous above - Paedophilia has absolutely nothing to do with having to combat homosexual behaviour.

If this is what you believe, then you really need to read more - educate yourself, and realise what is really going on. I am heterosexual, with two daughters. I have a very close friend of about 20 years younger who is homosexual.

He had a very tough upbringing because of this (being thrown out of home at 14 for one thing) and he looks to me as almost a surrogate father because I guided and helped him when he asked. I work with a couple of guys who are gay and they are also nice/good people. To them it is a not a 'choice', it is who and what they are - no choice needed.

Paedophilia is a means to an end for the Satanists. It's a means of control for the handlers of many politicians, celebrities and others in the establishment and positions of power. In fact I can honestly say, that unless you are as corruptible as these people, it is VERY hard to get into these power positions. 

I for one am not trying to 'cure' homosexuality - when that's not even the issue. I am trying to wake people up to how the rulers, behind the rulers work.

I apologise for the rant, but one thing we need to be clear about is that this child abusing culture of the elites (and their minions) IS NOT homosexuality gone wrong or 'gays gone bad'. It is far more insidious - far more evil in its intent and ultimate purpose. Please wake up. 


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