Breaking News
Thursday, 7 March 2013

Info Post

Kentucky top hemp producing state made it ILLEGAL TO WEAR hemp clothing! Can you imagine being thrown into jail for wearing quality jeans?

TAP -   Why was hemp got rid of?  On what pretext?

Woodsy42 said...
Why? I always thought it was pressure from US cotton farmers and woodpulp manufacturers helped by corrupt politicians.
At one time legal documents had to drawn up on hemp paper because it was so long lasting, apparently now there is a problem because newer documents, on 'modern' paper are disintegrating.
Just as nowadays e-cigs are being demonised by pharma who want to make a fortune on patches and windmills are being pushed, with the help of corrupt politicians, by landowners wanting subsidies. These things have nothing to do with what's good, best or most effective, it's always been about money. Nothing actually changes.

Gordon adds -

I've been using hemp oil for cooking for a couple of years now and it is delicious. It has a real nutty flavour and works a treat in salad dressings.
It is marketed and labelled as "GOOD OIL" and I buy it at Waitrose for about £5.50 per 500ml. Tesco also sell it at £5.99 per 500ml but only as delivery option.
I would have to say that my main oils these days are hemp oil, coconut oil and olive oil, in that order.


WISH13 adds -

A great book that traces some of the history (DuPonts 'new' cotton process for one), and that you can read or skim online ...

The emperor wears no clothes by Jack Herer

It's not just the quality of hemp materials, it's facts like 1 acre of hemp grown over a few months produces the same amount of paper as 3 acres of trees which take years. In many places of the world, more than one crop can be grown in the same year using the same land!

Where's the logic there? Why aren't the environmental lobbyists out shouting about that? Hemps prohibition has always been about money. Protecting the interests of big pharma - you cannot patent a 'natural' cure can you?

The Rick Simpson Story - Run From The Cure, a fascinating yet sad documentary.

Big oil, clothing, paper, and the chemical industries have all played their respective parts in denying hemps benefits to mankind.

Well, I'm off to hug a tree - be right back! 

About Hemp

Hemp is one of the purest, most complete plants on Earth.
Its uses are many and varied; of particular value to humans are the nutritional and healing properties of Hemp seed and its oil.
Hemp grows almost anywhere and requires no pesticides or fertiliser. The plant is good both for the soil and the atmosphere. The potential for Hemp is vast - including sustainable bio-mass (power) and bio-diesel (fuel).
Hemp also makes an excellent source of textile and paper. The fibres are long and very strong, making the most beautiful fabric and paper. Many of the world's most famous historical works are written on hemp paper.
Hemp textile

Hemp Textile

people have been using hemp to make textile for some 6000 years all over the world. The hemp plant grows to heights of 15-20 foot and the fibre, when stripped from the plant, is as long as the plant itself, giving hemp added strength when woven into textile.
The oldest tradition of hemp cultivation is in China. The discovery of new softening techniques and the investment of millions of dollars into the hemp factories in China has resulted in Hemp garments that still retain all the traditional qualities of hemp textile but with a softness and quality that has not been seen before.

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is extracted from raw hemp seed and contains a fully balanced spectrum of essential fatty acids. When processed and stored correctly, the beneficial properties of the oil can be readily absorbed by the skin. Hemp seed oil is noted for these benefits:
  • Superb moisturiser, natural anti-inflammatory
  • Rare source of gamma-linoleic acid
  • Protects from UV radiation and pollution
  • Assists healing, soothes acne
  • Prevents and repairs hair damage
  • Treats eczema and psoriasis
  • Rich in anti-oxidants

Hemp Seed Milk

Perhaps the biggest gift the hemp plant has for mankind lies within the seed. Anyone can access the full nutritional impact of the hemp seed by following this simple recipe:
  • Take some organic fresh hemp seed and soak for 24 hours in distilled water with a few organic almonds.
  • Drain, rinse and blend in a blender with a little distilled water.
  • Strain through a cloth or sieve.
Hemp milkThis milk will then be ready to drink and should be consumed immediately, although it will keep for 48 hours refrigerated. This milk will combine well with all fruits and vegetables.
Did you know ...?
The British Empire was built on hemp. The ships all used hemp, from the sails to the ropes down to the sailor's uniforms. At one point Britain and France went to war over protecting the Russian hemp supplies, as the Russian hemp made the strongest sails and ropes.
American Declaration of IndependenceAnd the American Declaration of Independence 200 years ago was signed on paper made from hemp.
George Washington was a hemp farmer....


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