Breaking News
Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Info Post
I've a friend in the US who knows people who simply gave birth at home, never informed the authorities and subsequently home schooled their children, who by my understanding have no official existance. What problems this may bring in terms of benefits later in life I do not know.

I hold a policy of avoiding all third party control over any of my affairs (especially government) wherever possible for when someone gets any involvement in my life then things always seem to go wrong. 

However a word of warning: 

I acted as a McKenzie Friend for a young mother who had split from her declared partner. He had entered into other relationships and for periods spanning many years was not registered on any Council Tax database (which local authorities share by the way). 

The DWP took the view that where she had been in receipt of benefit and the local authority had no record of her ex-partner on the council tax database, this meant they were co-habiting. 

The DWP/L.A. then demanded she repay all benefit for any period they had no record of his being registered for council tax. They also found an interesting way to enforce this, they claimed she admitted such when she did no such thing.

I have seen women jailed for 3 years for such and having a child she gladly offered to pay what ever they demanded to avoid the threat of legal action so the child would not go into care should they seek to imprison her.

This smacks of enforced debt just as tuition fees go. 

This is but one small case I have dealt with having had encounters with scores of corrupt judges. What is their reward? £150,000 p.a plus from the public trough.

The system in the UK has reverted to the middle ages in terms of it's barbarity. Perhaps that is why Mandelson cruises with the Rothschilds.


Comment -

This women would have been asked - every time she had to submit paperwork to the local authority, if she was living alone or if someone - a partner - was residing with her.

If she failed to declare that she DID have a partner living with her, then she was receiving far more benefit money than she was actually entitled to - and I suspect that she wuld have known that, as they all do! 

I worked in benefits for local authorities for 10 years. This fraud is called a 'living together' and is the most common type. 

I would estimate that most 'single mums' actually have partners living with them and, probably working, which is why they do not declare the partner - or the partner's earned income.

This means that these households have TWO incomes!

The govt. know this goes on, but no one cares - it's all just more and more money for the corporations and for landlords. 

They don't care if there are enough jobs out there for people anyway - which there aren't. I was at Victoria Coach Station last week - there was only ONE staff member on duty to ask assistance, other than two or three in ticket booths and long queues. There were loads of machines for tickets, though.

This is the world they want... 


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