Breaking News
Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Info Post

Citizen Arrest Warrants Issued today to Detain former Pope, The Queen of England and other church-state officers – Property and Assets to be Seized.  If only Jimmy was still here to fix things.

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Anonymous said...

It should be noted that the Bolsheviks destroyed the Monarchy and Christian church in Russia too, so who is behind this really.

TAP - If the One World Government is behind moves to sack the Pope and the Queen, two thoughts occur.  She was so embroiled with their deceptions, she couldn't do anything to stop them.  Royalty is basically a deception, by definition.  She's now left it too late to stand up to them.  In a totalitarian system, the only God and the only Royalty allowed will be The State.  With Prince Charles hopelessly in bed with the United Nations and the globalist environmental movement, she's buggered basically.  He's dragged them into the mire beyond any chance of survival.  If you don't know what I mean by the effects of the environmental programmes of the UN, this Australian lady puts it over nicely -

ITCCS ~ March 6, 2013
Thirty officials of church and state who were convicted last week of committing and concealing Crimes against Humanity in Canada have defied a lawful Court Order, and now face immediate arrest.
Today, The International Common Law Court of Justice has issued an International Citizens Arrest Warrant, of one year duration, authorizing the detaining and imprisonment of these thirty fugitives from justice under the terms of the Court Verdict of February 25, 2013.
A copy of the stamped and sealed Citizens Arrest Warrant is attached.
The public seizure of the property and assets of the guilty parties and their organizations will also commence today, in Canada, the United States, England and Italy, in accordance with the Court Order.
The fugitive criminals include Catholic, Anglican and United Church officers in Canada, corporate and RCMP officials, and the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. But they also include former Pope Joseph Ratzinger, three top Cardinals in Vatican City, the head of the Jesuit Order, and the Queen of England and the Archbishop of Canterbury. 


“These convicted felons can hide all they want, but their church property can’t” said Calvin Hodges, a Common Law Court Peace Officer in Canada who will lead church occupations there.
“We’ve declared them Public Enemies for killing thousands of Indian children, protecting child rapists, and covering up their filth. If we can’t arrest them right away, then we’ll ban them and these churches from our communities.”
The Court and its sponsoring body, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), are issuing Public Notices today in fifteen countries declaring the Thirty to be wanted criminals who pose a Clear and Present Danger to children and citizens, and asking for the help of other governments and citizens to detain them.
The Citizen Arrest Warrant is being issued to local Citizen Action groups, authorizing them to arrest the Thirty and seize their property.
Local regular police authorities in Canada, England, the United States and Italy have been formally asked by the Court to cooperate in enforcing its Order.
Ongoing church occupations will continue indefinitely and will involve an International Week of Reclamation leading up to Easter Sunday, between March 24 and 31, 2013.


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